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NAV online invoice 2.0 - the final countdown started

The latest version of the Online Invoice has been updated in the live system of the Hungarian Tax Authority (NAV) yet. The most significant change is the new 2.0 XSD schema and its associated endpoint, which eliminates all obstacles to the mandatory use of the 2.0 online invoice version which will go live on 1 April.

This also means that in 4 weeks, as planned, at midnight on 31 March, at midnight, NAV will shut down the data reporting endpoint that currently supports Version 1.1. As of 1 April, the online invoice data supply obligation can be executed only according to the rules of the 2.0 version. In addition, the data reporting module supporting the new version has been moved to a completely new endpoint in the Online Invoice system! 

You must check these points, for your NAV online invoice report does not stop from April

This means that from 1 April 2020 those invoicing programs which do not support the following, will be completely cut off from the tax administration system:

  • the reconfiguration of the data supply endpoint in the invoicing or reporting module, 
  • the preparation of a new invoice XML document corresponding to the XSD 2.0 schema, 
  • Integration of a new SHA3 encyption procedure required for the new endpoint in the invoicing or data supply module.

Over the next four weeks, the Tax Authority will ensure that both reporting endpoints are accessible. During this time, both XML schema versions, i.e., online invoice reporting built on versions 1.1 and 2.0 can be submitted. During this period, attention must be paid to make sure that the different versions of XML documents are sent to the appropriate endpoints, because NAV requires different data contents and uses a different encryption procedure on them.

Handling failed NAV online invoice reporting

Special attention should be paid to the error reports in the data supplies transmitted to the NAV system prior to April with the current 1.1 XML schema version. After April, they can only be repeated and corrected using the new 2.0 XML schema. Depending on the operation of the reporting module, this may pose a minor or greater challenge to organisations.

Automatic NAV monitoring tracks in real-time where the online invoice reporting transition has failed 

So far, information from the Hungarian Tax Authority has clearly excluded the possibility of an extension of the deadline. There were practically 7 months to prepare for version 2.0, as the new version has been available for 7 months in the NAV Online Invoice testing system. 

NAV has been active in communicating and following up on taxpayers who have completely failed or partially erroneously executed their online invoice reporting obligations, and this is not expected to be different now. The Tax Authority can easily filter out organisations that have been active with version 1.1 online invoice reporting but are dropping out after the first of April.  

RSM's digital tax consultants have been able to help numerous Hungarian and international companies prepare their invoicing programs and ERP systems for the fastest and most cost-effective way to generate XML for according to NAV expectations. Managing faulty or missing online invoice reporting is also a common problem. Our Connection platform provides automated tools to filter these online invoice reports and submit them with corrections subsequently. It is a reliable and fast instrument to replace or correct missed data supplies primarily in the case of a large number of invoices.  

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