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Summary 376 posts

Tax consequences of the termination of the US-Hungarian tax treaty

In July 2022, the United States of America announced that it would terminate the 1979 international treaty with Hungary on the avoidance of double taxation. Although the provisions of the US-Hungarian tax treaty will still be applicable for tax purposes until 31 December 2023, the absence of the treaty will have a significant impact on the activities of private individuals and companies after 1 January 2024, measurable in tax forints, and it is worth preparing for this in good time.

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Petra Palicz

Hungarian VAT implications for UK taxpayers

UK companies have no longer been subject to EU VAT laws since 2021; therefore their Hungarian tax liabilities are governed by different rules. How can VAT regulations be interpreted in this new situation and what have taxpayers experienced since Brexit? In our blog post below we have summarised the most important changes from a VAT perspective.

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The carbon tax is here

The Hungarian Government Decree 320/2023 (VII. 17.) on the carbon dioxide quota, published on 17 July 2023, has the unconcealed aim of imposing a significant tax on the country\'s largest carbon dioxide emitters, which will mean extra tax liability for dozens of stakeholders, including many foreign-owned companies. Our blog post summarises the most important things to know.

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R&D investment can reduce extra profit tax of pharmaceutical producers in Hungary

Government Decree 317/2023 (17 July 2023) was published in the Official Journal of Hungary on 17 July 2023, amending the effective Government Decree on extra-profit taxes in several points. One significant change is that pharmaceutical companies may reduce their special tax liability for the tax year 2024 by the cost of R&D activity (investment) aimed at the purchase or production of tangible assets.

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Minimise your tax risk by business partner due diligence

Many companies only realise the importance of verifying their business partners and the existence of related documentation during a tax authority audit, when they are required to present their contracting procedure and, for certain business partners selected by the tax authority, their due diligence documentation. However, the outcome of the tax audit is often a tax authority report and decision in which the tax authority - citing certain objective circumstances and lack of due diligence - denies the right to deduct VAT included in the invoice received, and imposes a tax penalty, even though performance was duly made. This is because the legal regulations require a preliminary business due diligence procedure to ensure that the content of the invoice is authentic, i.e. that the actual performance is consistent with the invoice.

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Company assets in marriage

RSM\'s family lawyers often find that when it comes to business property, spouses cannot decide: who owns the \"company\"? Do the spouses own the business shares jointly or separately? In the case of a business share, it would be easy to define ownership as \"in whose name it is held\", but the question is more complex in the case of matrimonial property.

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Helga Kiss, tax director, RSM Hungary
Helga Kiss

2023 summer tax package in Hungary – a summary of the main changes

On 6 June a package of tax bills containing a number of changes was announced, including significant modifications to VAT, personal income tax, corporate income tax, extra profit tax, local business tax, customs and excise regulations, as well as NETA (Public Health product tax). We have summarised the main tax types where taxpayers, especially companies, should expect changes from 2024. However, in many cases, changes could come into force as early as 2023.

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High new EPR fees announced

On 2 June 2023, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR fee) rates were published in Hungary. As expected, the EPR fees payable by companies are significantly higher than the previously established environmental product charges for the same and similar product streams.

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