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Hungarian Tax Authority's VAT return offers postponed

Instead of the originally planned target date of 12 November, the offering of Hungarian Tax Authority\'s VAT return drafts is to be postponed until the end of the state of emergency, i.e. until 1 January 2022 for certain. It seems that more time is necessary for the finalization of developments and the launch of the system after all.

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Risks of a generation change - advantages of planned wealth transfer

Whether we are talking about a generation change within a family or the selling of a company, a customized structure serving the security of company assets and ensuring the continued operation of the company should be developed. An unregulated transfer of a company or wealth brings the risk of a reduction in value. The key is therefore conscious organization development and timely started preparation.

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Mátyás Budai
Lilla Németh

Employment supervision audits to replace labour inspections in Hungary

This year brought a change in the area of labour inspections also. The role of labour authorities was taken over by employment supervision authorities from the beginning of March 2021 and, as a result, labour inspections were replaced by employment supervision audits. Instead of the former labour inspections, employers can now expect employment supervision audits.

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The number of users is becoming the increasing factor in company valuation

During company evaluation, the primary purpose of determining the fair market value is to identify the value drivers of the target company. Today, in addition to the IT companies providing more and more popular subscription-based services, more and more companies active in other sectors are switching partially or fully to solutions based on monthly fees (Nespresso, MOL carsharing services).

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