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termination with immediate effect

General cases of termination with immediate effect: 

  • the employer or the employee commits a material breach of its obligations deriving from the employment relationship either intentionally or by gross negligence, 
  • the employer or the employee behaves in such a manner that makes the maintaining of the employment relationship impossible. 

The right of termination with immediate effect may be exercised within 15 days of being informed of the cause giving ground to termination but within 1 year of the occurrence of such cause at the latest or, if a criminal act was committed, within the applicable limitation period. 

If a body is entitled to exercise the right of termination with immediate effect, the time of being informed is the time when the body (as the organization exercising employer rights) is informed of the cause for termination with immediate effect. 

The law regulates cases of termination of employment by termination with immediate effect. These are: 

  • termination of the employment by either the employer or the employee during the trial period, 
  • termination of employment for a definite term by the employer with immediate effect. 

In the latter case, the employee is entitled to remuneration for either 12 months or, if less than one year was to remain from his definite-term employment, his remuneration for the remaining period.

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