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Bulk Real-time Invoice XML Correction

With our "Bulk RTIR XML Correction" service, you can quickly and efficiently rectify XML data submission issues, ensuring a seamless and legally compliant data submission process.

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Lilla Németh

Director, Tax services

Matyas Budai

Manager, Tax services


Bulk Real-time Invoice XML Correction 

Every detail of the invoice data submissions prescribed by the Tax Authority must be complied with. It often happens that discrepancies or errors appear in XML data submissions, which not only complicates the process but can also lead to substantial fines (500,000 forints per invoice). With our "Bulk Online Invoice XML Correction" service, these issues can be swiftly and efficiently addressed, making it easier for your company to meet the requirements.

Features and benefits:

  1. Detailed Error Analysis: Our Digitax team experts thoroughly analyze the XML files generated by your company.
  2. Bulk Technical Invalidations: Before the correction, we ensure that previously submitted erroneous XML versions are technically retracted, allowing for the seamless submission of the new, corrected versions.
  3. Automated XML Correction: Using our developed automated method, the XML data can be quickly and efficiently corrected, simplifying the correction process and reducing the time required. We also assist in the submission of corrected data to the online invoice system.
  4. Compensation for Missed Data Submissions: We can bulk compensate for missed or lacking data submissions, eliminating unnecessary administrative burdens.
  5. Report and Follow-up: Upon completing the entire process, we provide a detailed report containing potential XML errors, a list of corrected data submissions, and the status of the resubmitted data submissions. If needed, we also offer additional support during future data submissions.

What issues does the RSM Bulk Real-time Invoice XML Correction service address? 

Whether it's data submission errors identified by internal audit or issues uncovered during a tax authority inspection, our "Bulk RTIR Invoice XML Correction" service can swiftly and efficiently handle these challenges. We assist in both the bulk compensation of missed data submissions and the bulk correction of erroneous data submissions, and we help developers prevent future errors.

When should you use the Bulk Online Invoice XML service?

  • Initial Difficulties: You couldn't complete the technical preparations for XML data submissions on time, you have begun your activities and issued invoices, but data submissions were missed.
  • Instead of Manual Reporting: You've previously encountered unsuccessful reporting attempts and would have to manually compensate for the missed invoices.
  • Ongoing Developments: After detecting errors, you have not yet completed the developments required for correct data submission processes.
  • Tax Authority Inspection: If a tax authority inspection identifies erroneous data submissions, immediate correction is crucial.
  • Internal Audit: If an internal audit reveals that invoice data submissions were sent with incorrect content and immediate action is needed.
  • Unsuccessful or Missed Data Submissions: Sometimes, technical reasons make data submissions unsuccessful, and the tax authority doesn't accept them. If you have missed data submissions, it's essential to compensate for the reports as soon as possible to avoid a 500,000 forint fine per invoice.

Solving these problems individually can be time-consuming and cumbersome, especially if you're in the midst of a tax authority inspection. Our Digitax tax technology team has extensive experience in bulk XML corrections, bulk technical invalidations, and the bulk compensation and resubmission of data. We specifically recommend our services to companies looking for an efficient, fast, and reliable solution to these types of challenges.

    If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact our experts!

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